There are lots of ways for our friends and fans to listen to us! Listen to our sample songs or listen to all our songs or go to the bottom of this page for links to our past performances and YouTube channel.
Listen to our sample songs
.Listen to our sample songs below from our National Museum of Australia concert. We love to share our music with everyone - listen here on our website to
all our songs from our cassette and two CDs
We were honoured to perform at the National Museum of Australia on 8 March 2018 in celebration of International Women's Day. Some of the songs we performed include
I can't keep quiet,
Bridge over troubled water, Happy earth, One voice and
Tiddas: You are my sisters. The song
I can't keep quiet was written for the March for Women, Washington DC, January 2017.
CD Diving for Pearls:
Bridge Over Troubled Water
IWD at National Museum of Australia, 2018:
Happy Earth
CD For the Love of it:
I Can't Keep Quiet
IWD at National Museum:
One Voice
National Museum International Women's day 2018:
Soul Wind
This is one of the choir's favourite songs and is on our CD, Diving for Pearls
CD Diving for Pearls:
Tiddas: You are my sisters
CD Diving for Pearls:
Visit our 'Past Performances' page
See where we have performed with links to photos and YouTube clips - Past Performances page
View YouTube clips of Cyrenes performances
Visit our
YouTube page to see clips of us at past performances.
Come to one of our upcoming performances
Visit our
upcoming events page or
Event Calendar for details.
Listen to our cassette and two CDs
We love to share our recorded music so we have made all our songs from our cassette and both CDs
available here on our website. Now you can listen to us
any time you want!